No abbreviations to memorize. Designed to give you the text block you need with as few keystrokes as possible.
With its support for Apple Mail, Text Blocks can discover contact details of the person you are replying to and pre-fill fields such as First Name, Last Name, and Email.
Leave placeholders for things that you would like to adjust when you use a snippet like a person's first name, the current date, or anything else.
You can run any number of follow-up actions each time you copy a snippet. For example, you could add a row to a spreadsheet (.tsv and .csv) with the name and email address of whom you replied to and set a reminder for yourself to follow up with that person after a week.
Keep track of:
Set a reminder for yourself to follow up with somebody you replied to.
A free iPhone/iPad app is included with the Premium Upgrade.
The language of a snippet is detected automatically. Use the #tag syntax to show only snippets in a certain language, e.g. #de shows only German snippets.
You can assign any number of tags to each snippet and then narrow your search to snippets of a certain tag.
You have full control over your data. You could create separate snippet documents for each team, project, etc.