Beautiful Desktop Backgrounds with Desktop Pins
Turn Pinterest into an endless source for beautiful desktop wallpapers with our latest app Desktop Pins (Mac App Store link).
It's the perfect wallpaper that never gets boring with the latest pins from Pinterest updating automatically. You can use pins from any Pinterest page, categories, boards of your friends and followers, and of course pins from your own boards.
Pins are reshuffled every 10 minutes and refreshed from Pinterest every hour.
Endless possibilities:
For example, you can stay up to date with pins from people you follow (just log in to your Pinterest account and use pins from the main page). To keep up with what’s popular on Pinterest, use the “popular” category. How about some vacation ideas? The “Travel & Places” category is perfect for that.
More ideas:
You could start to collect pins on boards specifically for your desktop background depending on your mood, the season, inspiration, vacation ideas, and so on. Be creative and let us know what you come up with!
Here's how it works:
Get the app from the Mac App Store and open it. Select any Pinterest page you like (category, board, etc.), pick a background style and you're all set.
You don't even need a Pinterest account. You can still use pins from all categories and other Pinterest users.